Friday, January 26, 2007
new month coming!!

Oh a new month coming!! more work coming in also!! this month i m getting busier and busier... ah so stressed...end of Feb , i will have my ca1.....this will be the first test i have in sec 3 ... in sec 3 , so many work to do ah..... i was thinking that teachers gave us so many work , they also gets tired of marking....this year, almost all subject are linked 2gather with sec2..... but it is getting more and more diffcult.. so long i nv update my blog already... every day, i will reach home at about 3.30pm.... if i have extra lessons or cca after school, i will reach even later..... and weekends , i have 2 work.... then no time to go out..... so i wont get to on my computer nowadays..... but i tried to update my blog often.....

mizuki thought hard on 12:11 AM.

Saturday, January 06, 2007
school reopen....

yo!! school reopen....a new year starts.... now i am in the higher level.... now i am in sec 3 .... the books now is more and more difficult...... but never mind i try my best to get better results..... and now i am in a different class with my ho ho....=(.... and i am in the same class with others which i dont know......

now every weekend i still have to the morning!!!!! i have to wake early in the morning..... and mostly work at 7.00 am.... oh my god!! i have to wake up @ 6.00am.... so tiring...... and i will come home at abt @4.00pm ......

anyway ,wish every one to have a happy new year.....

mizuki thought hard on 12:38 AM.