Tuesday, October 31, 2006

ya!! holiday already!!! and this time is 2 months holidays..... long periods of rest..... next year sec 3 ... muz work harder 2 get better results and go to the best class... so long never update my blog... busy studying for e exam as it is more important.... and also busy taking back the results..
think of it.... it is a 2 months holidays... it could be very boring if we stays at home all days.... during the holidays , we can go for a holidays or going back to school for cca.. now i need not go back to school till 13 nov.. to take/ see wat class we go next year and to see wat subject combination we r taking next year...
i have seen the books for next year... it is extreme thick and heavy.. as this books we will study for 2 years.. some subject like accounts and social studies, it is the first time which we r studying this... but next year, i will be taking the express chinese and not the NA chinese.. i am afraid that i cant cope with it and it is more difficult and my parents have a high expectation on me.. i will try my best.. and also hope that all the 2mm girls will get into the same class next year...

mizuki thought hard on 5:32 PM.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Exam over!!!

exam finally finish!!! So relieved now!! Although exam over, now I have to wait is the result....every time i reach home , the first thing is to see what subject i have the next day... i also can't on my computer... and now exam finish , i can do what i like... like playing games on my computer , listening to my mp4 player... now exam finish , but there is still some more things that have not settled...my class friends may know what are the problems or things that have not settled..
a few more weeks , holidays will begin... so excited and so boring... during the holidays , it bet it will be very boring.... wall see me , i see wall..the whole day do these? BORING!!!!

mizuki thought hard on 11:20 PM.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

exam coming soon.. And I am studying very hard 4 it..Like wat my principle had said b4 ' when u are working hard for something , there tends to have ' people ' who tries to pull u down'. i dont really understand wat it meant when i first heard it , but when i experience it myself , i then truly understand wat it meant by that. there tends to have alot of ' people' who tries to make u fail in yur whole life... i am not exception..people who says others are 2- sided or are backstabber was actually they themselves.. not i want to say that , but is they who started it first. who smiled and laugh in front of us n who is devil? they regretted asking me to go back to their clique and even brought more extra people in to the clique... and said other many more nonsense ....we are not a gang , why must have a clique of only 4 person? we are all classmates , why noot have a good relationshipwith the whole class? say i bring 2 more extra people in , at least they are much more better than them... at least they would not say hurting words in their blog..people would rather trust others than trust us more.luckily in my blog ,i dont say ' bad words' like * ***' .dont even who snatch whose friends? i have known her 2 yrs. and she just know her
for about less than a year..because of her ' dirty spells' , a close friend become a stranger to me..so is who snatch whose friend? can stop playing all this childish game ? it is tiring and stupid....

mizuki thought hard on 12:58 AM.